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vol.40 número2Etiquetado nutricional de productos artesanales elaborados por pequeñas empresas del estado Mérida- Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0477


VIT, Patricia. Physicochemical characterization of stingless bee (Meliponini) honey from Venezuela. INHRR [online]. 2009, vol.40, n.2, pp.7-12. ISSN 0798-0477.

Honeys produced by stingless bees (Meliponini) have a different composition from Apis mellifera honey. However, their standards have not been included in norms of quality for this product of the hive. In this work Venezuelan honeys produced by six species of stingless bees, were studied: Frie - seomelitta paupera (Provancher, 1888), Scaura aff. latitarsis (Friese, 1900), Tetragonisca angustula (Latreille, 1811), Plebeia sp., Scaptotrigona sp. and an non identified species. The following variations of physicochemical compo - sitional values were obtained: 1. pH (3.24 - 4.94). 2. Free acidity (16.92 - 248.52 meq/kg honey). 3. Ash (0.21 - 1.49 g/100 g honey). 4. Electrical conductivity (0.24 - 2.14 mS/cm). 5. Moisture (19.3 - 27.3 g water/100 g honey). 6. Ni trogen (41.91 - 335.31 mg N/100 g honey). 7. Reducing su gars (48.18 - 71.19 g/100 g honey). 8. Apparent sucrose (1.09 - 12.30 g/100g honey). 9. Diastase activity (positive in all honeys). Hydroxymethylfurfural (negative in all honeys)

Palabras clave : Honey; physicochemical composition; stingless bees; Venezuela.

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