Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel
versión impresa ISSN 0798-0477
GONZALEZ, Isbelia J et al. Nutritional labels in artisan products made by small business entreprenuers in Merida state-Venezuela. INHRR [online]. 2009, vol.40, n.2, pp.13-20. ISSN 0798-0477.
In many countries of the world, the nutritional facts that appear in the nutritional labels of many marketed alimentary products, is part of an educational effort to promote positive changes in the nutritional habits of consumers. Our society seeks sustainability through methods that enable the administration of knowledge applied to technology, in order to obtain useful, complete and opportune information. The impact over the population of the information based in scientific evidence induces positive decision making in an ethical manner. The objectives of the present investigation were to make physical and chemical analysis previous sample recollections of the manufactured alimentary products of 13 different businesses of the state of Merida and compared the results with the COVENIN norms, and finally, elaborate the nutritional labels. These businesses were pre viously submitted to the required rules of acceptance of the investigation. These small businesses are geographically located in the municipalities of Santos Marquina, Libertador y Campo Elias of the state of Mérida. The percentage of lipid content was determined by the method Soxhlet (COVENIN, 3821:2003); Proteins by micro Kjeldahl (COVENIN, 370:1986), humidity by the gravimetric method of desiccation in estove (AOAC, 2000); ashes by direct incineration (AOAC, 2000), y carbohydrates by difference. The results obtainned, are as follows: of the 21 products analized, 80% dont fulfil the COVENIN parameters and 20% are in the range of values of reference. Some of these results were compared with the COVENIN norms and others with the table of composition of the Institute of National Nu - trition
Palabras clave : Physical and chemical analysis; label; food; composition of the food; nutrition.