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vol.40 número2La higiene en la comercialización de moluscos desbullados en el estado Nueva Esparta, Venezuela, período 1992-2007Ultraestructura renal en infecciones murinas experimentales con un aislado venezolano de Trypanosoma evansi índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0477


SPADOLA C, Enza et al. Serotype distribution of invasive isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae from Venezuelan children under 5 years of age between : 1999-2007. INHRR [online]. 2009, vol.40, n.2, pp.36-43. ISSN 0798-0477.

Background: Pneumococcal disease is the principal cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Objective: To determi - ne the serotype distribution of invasive S. pneumoniae strains isolated from children under 5 years in Venezuela. Ma terials and Methods: 7 hospitals settled down sentries. The study included demographic variables and epidemiologists. The National Institute of Higiene gRafael Rangelh rea li - sed the confirmation and serotyping of the strains. Results: Bet ween 1999-2007 493 strains of S. pneumoniae were se - ro typing. The most frequent serotypes, with 70% of all the strains belonging to these 5 serotypes were: 14 (34,9%), 6B (13,8%), 5 (9,1%), 1 (6,1%) and 19A (6,1%). The potential co verage of the 7-valent conjugate vaccine is 66,9% for bacteriemia, 56,6% for pneumonias and 64,6% for meningitis respectively. The potential coverage of the 10-valent conjugate vaccine is (76,9%) with similar values for the three clini cal manifestations and the 13-valent has a potential coverage of 90%. Conclusions: This investigation reports the distribution of invasive S. pneumoniae serotypes in Venezuela and allow to infer that the conjugated vaccines introduction in our pediatric population could have a positive impact on the prevention of pneumococcal disease

Palabras clave : Streptococcus pneumoniae; capsular serotype; pneumococcal conjugate vaccines; pneumonia; meningitis; bacteriemia.

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