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vol.40 número2Serotipos invasivos de Streptococcus pneumoniae en niños menores de 5 anos en Venezuela: 1999-2007Colera y Vibrio cholerae índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0477


TEJERO, Felix et al. Renal ultrastructure in experimental murine infections with a Venezuelan isolate of Trypanosoma evansi. INHRR [online]. 2009, vol.40, n.2, pp.44-49. ISSN 0798-0477.

Murine experimental inoculations with a Venezuelan isolate of Trypanosoma evansi cause macroscopic and ultrastructural changes in the kidney of the infected animals. The macroscopic modifications are restricted to the progressive paleness of the organ. By its part, the ultrastructural alterations include thickness enlargement of the glomerular basal and the proximal tubule basal membranes, changes in the mitochondrial grouping and layout close to the basal membrane, as well as extensive epithelial damage. Intra vascu - lar trypanosomes were seen in the renal circulation from day 9 post-infection and on. The glomerular injury is discussed, suggesting that submicroscopic alterations could weaken the tubular function contributing through a nephritic process with the development of an acute renal failure culminating in the experimental host¡¦s death. The significance of the sequential increasing ultrastructural changes was statistically corroborated

Palabras clave : Trypanosoma evansi; ultrastructure; kidney.

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