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vol.20 número1Mastopatía Diabética: Presentación de CasoTumor maligno de la vaina de nervio periférico y neurofibromatosis índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Venezolana de Oncología

versão impressa ISSN 0798-0582


LASTRA, Jesús et al. Cáncer de Próstata metastático a Hígado. Presentación Clínica infrecuente: Reporte de un Caso. Rev. venez. oncol. [online]. 2008, vol.20, n.1, pp.29-33. ISSN 0798-0582.

OBJECTIVE: The prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed neoplasia in the male population. This neoplasia is in second place about mortality respect all of cancers. The majority of dead are common cause of metastases disease. Bone is the most commonly involved organ by metastasis disease followed by lungs, pleura and the liver. METHOD: A clinical case description and literature review is presented. RESULTS: The clinical case: male of 71 years old who entranced at Uyapar Hospital for presented abdominal pain, distention and constipation. Physical examination: distended and painful abdomen, bowel sounds decreased, rectal examination: prostate gland enlarged, irregular with rock hard consistency. No altered laboratory findings. The established diagnosis was partial obstruction of the large intestine. Two days after receiving medical treatment, due to worsen symptoms, exploratory laparotomy was done. The surgical findings were cecum and transverse colon perforation, an upper rectum´s tumor of 5 x 5 cm and whitish lesions of VI, VIII and X hepatic segments. A right extended colostomy was done. Samples of hepatic and mesenteric lymph nodes and hepatic lesions were taken and sent to biopsy which reported metastasis lesions of probable prostate origin and these biopsies were analyzed with inmunohistochemical method that verified diagnosis of prostate adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSIONS: this clinical case is presented due to the infrequent liver metastases in patients with prostate cancer. Furthermore, there were no cases of prostate cancer clinically presented like partial obstruction of large intestine in the literature reviewed.

Palavras-chave : Cancer; liver; prostate; metastasis.

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