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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición
versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752
ORTEGA DE MANCERA, Alicia y LEDEZMA, Thaís. Importance of body proportions in swimmers federated of miranda state. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2005, vol.18, n.2, pp.169-176. ISSN 0798-0752.
Swimming is a very demanding sport and competition is associated with pushing back limits, to reach a new level of performance capability. On the other hand according with some authors there are certain body proportions best suitable and characteristics of elite swimmers. The aim of this paper is to look for the characteristics of elite swimmers that are share boys and girls of the Miranda State.183 swimmers, 67 girls and 116 boys, between 7 and 18.99 years were evaluated. The proportionality characteristics were studied by the phantom stratagems, the socioeconomic status was established, in strata, II and III with Graffar - Méndez-Castellano method. A statistical analysis of height, breadth, foot and hand lengths, biacromial and biiliac diameters, estimated leg length, plus sitting height and thorax transverse diameter, was performed. This paper is part of a general project titled "Crecimiento, estado nutricional, consumo alimentario y condición socioeconómica en nadadores del estado Miranda". Results confirm that most of the age related groups share some of the elite swimmers characteristics, as height, foot and hand length and wide biacromial breadth. In some cases lengths are higher than the phantom
Palabras clave : Proportionality; phantom; elite swimmers; Venezuela.