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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición
versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752
CALANCHE MORALES, Juan B. Cultural influences in the diet of venezuelans. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2009, vol.22, n.1, pp.32-40. ISSN 0798-0752.
Nutrition history studies the origin, development, validity and changes in the dietary habit(s) of a society. Technology, cultural development and hygienic habits of social groups have a big influence in shaping the dietary customs. Exchanges in human society are so frequent that it would be almost impossible to consider dietary habits in isolation. There was a penetration of new foods in the diet of Venezuelan indigenous inhabitants but also Europeans introduced new items to their diet. However, the foods of the conquerors were dominant over the indigenous foods causing a change that directly influenced the new dietary habits. After the conquest, the various waves of immigrants contributed with particularities that increased the Venezuelan gastronomic variety. Changes in the food sector affected production and consumption. In this sense, immigration represents a link that promotes dietary changes. The adoption of foreign dietary habits is known as alimentary transculturation and in the country this process has been a constant. Some changes have had only a temporary effect but others have merged to generate new models. These changes have been able to influence the agents that integrate the national agroalimentary system. Based on the history it can be argued that alimentary transculturation, understood as an inevitable process in a multipolar world, represents a way to expand the boundaries of diet. However, recovery of national values, within the context of cultural diversity, must be the goal to consolidate a country identity that does not deepen the differences, but on the contrary, nourishes from them.
Palabras clave : Diet; miscegenation; transculturation; venezuelan diet.