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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


GIACOPINI DE ZAMBRANO, María Isabel. Canola oil and health effects. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2012, vol.25, n.2, pp.94-99. ISSN 0798-0752.

The term canola (Canadian Oil Low Acid) refers to a variety of seeds developed in the seventies by traditional breeding methods of rapeseed. Canola is located in the second most cultivated oilseed plant in the world, and not only used in the manufacture of salad oil and frying, but also in the development of margarines, shortenings and other food products. This paper aims to conduct a review of the available scientific information on the background that led to the emergence of canola seed variety and the safety and effectiveness of its oil consumption on some of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Finding and locating information, including a review of scientific articles. The descriptors were used: Canola, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and antioxidants, mainly. Most selected articles were related to the effect of fatty acid composition of edible oils in VCE and analysis studies of antioxidants in this oil. In addition, articles were located regulators about the safety of canola oil consumption.

Palabras clave : canola; atherosclerosis; cardiovascular disease; antioxidants.

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