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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


LANDAETA-JIMENEZ, Maritza et al. A Program of Nutritional Education in schools of three cities in Venezuela. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2013, vol.26, n.2, pp.112-124. ISSN 0798-0752.

Nutrition and health status in children influence directly their learning and schooling. This program consists in the intervention of food and nutrition knowledge in poor suburban schools, oriented to develop and strengthen capacities in teachers, students and their families, as a contribution to upgrade health and nutrition. Five schools were selected in Zulia, Merida and Caracas (6333 boys and girls) that formed part of a program of social responsibility of a private company in alliance with Fundación Bengoa. Intervention included nutrition education, nutrition surveillance, food services and community participation. Nutritionists and a chef gave 43 nutrition education workshops (1291 teachers, parents and members of the community) food handling and food service management as well as menu planning workshops (379 mothers and teachers). In the field of planning and designing joint ventures, entrepreneurs and voluntary work formation, 595 personas were formed. A group of children called “Friends of Healthy Eating” was formed. The healthy breakfast (30% kcal/day) included vegetables and fruits. Between 2008 and 20012, overweight (high BMI) diminished from 20.1% to 18.7% although under nutrition remained 16.2-16.9%. The importance of a program of nutrition education that includes breakfast for a better understanding and healthy eating habits as well as to guarantee the child´s permanence at school was confirmed. Participation and the commitment of all involved is indispensable for the success of community programs as part of its cultural an socioeconomic reality.

Palabras clave : Nutrition education; community education; overweight; under nutrition; community participation; Venezuela.

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