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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


LANDAETA-JIMENEZ, Maritza  y  LOPEZ DE BLANCO, Mercedes. Footprints of the Bengoa Foundation. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2014, vol.27, n.1, pp.177-184. ISSN 0798-0752.

The José María Bengoa Foundation for Food and Nutrition, since the year 2000, has been following the mandate, which according to Dr. Bengoa “had been given by the Venezuelan Society, always sensitive to inequality, marginalization, ignorance and hunger”. Its work has been directed to the most deprived rural and urban communities, yet rapidly has extended to other regions, in response to the increasing social demand that must be addressed promptly. Its activities include the work of a group of volunteers who try to rethink food and nutrition issues, amidst great difficulties that face the country and support various scientific, technical and fundraising activities. The commitment to serve Venezuelans has turned the Foundation into a forum of opinions and ideas, which arise from representatives of different sectors and disciplines, of a high scientific and technical quality; this is considered as one of our greatest assets. Among its programs we can mention: the “Faro Nutricional” (a nutritional information source), the study group regarding nutritional transition (TAN grupo), the campaign against malnutrition, the community nutrition program as well as the technical assistance program. Venezuelan Annals of Nutrition (AVN) is edited and distributed through various media and social networks. FB maintains agreements and partnerships for research projects and technical assistance with national and international institutions. The positive results in some communities are stimuli for continuing the efforts for building solutions with and from the community.

Palabras clave : Bengoa Foundation; food; nutrition; NGOs; Venezuela.

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