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vol.29 número1Patrones de compra de alimentos en Venezuela utilizando tablas de contingencias de tres víasConflicto de interés o intereses en conflicto, transparencia en la obtención y análisis de datos científicos índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


LANDAETA-JIMENEZ, Maritza; HERRERA CUENCA, Marianella; VASQUEZ, Maura  y  RAMIREZ, Guillermo. How Venezuelans are fed, according to the National Survey of Living Conditions 2015. An Venez Nutr [online]. 2016, vol.29, n.1, pp.18-30. ISSN 0798-0752.

The Venezuela’s Standard Survey of Living Conditions 2015, aims to contribute to the information on how Venezuelans were fed during this year. 1488 households, reported that the weekly grocery shopping was based in cereals (corn flour, rice, bread and pasta) and together with fat accounted for 38% of the purchase intent. The weekly intention for shopping fell in protein from either animal or vegetable source, thus the percentage of the purchase of meat and chicken was reduced, as these foods prices increased outrageously. Four socioeconomic groups of people were identified: people in extreme poverty (28.1%), the non-extreme impoverished people (19%), newly impoverished (34%); and nonpoor people (19%). The middle class classify now as newly poor. 12.1% of respondents refer eating two or fewer times a day and of those, 44% are among the poorest. In consequence, three million and a half of Venezuelans can be found in a situation of hunger. On average, the purchasing power reported as the ability to purchase food, was diminished, as only 20% of the households could afford the basic food basket during 2015.In the poorest socioeconomic strata, only 7% could afford buying the basic foods. This is a manifestation of the food insecurity level that the majority of the extreme poor households had been facing. The poor quality diet, the low access to proteins, the absence of milk for feeding the children, is contributing to the increased undernutrition, with very unfortunate consequences, as the deficit of nutrients in critical periods of development and growth compromises the intellectual integrity and physical development of the future generations.

Palabras clave : Feeding; standard survey of living conditions; feeding questionnaire; hunger; Venezuela.

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