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vol.35 número2Aproximación a la variación de precios de alimentos en una muestra de supermercados del Área metropolitana de Caracas. Febrero 2023 índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición

versión impresa ISSN 0798-0752


HERRERA-CUENCA, Marianella et al. Food Security and Nutrition Survey in Venezuela 2020-2021. Venezuelan Observatory for Food Security and Nutrition (OVSAN). An Venez Nutr [online]. 2022, vol.35, n.2, pp.81-98.  Epub 15-Feb-2024. ISSN 0798-0752.


The combination of economic, political and social factors has affected the production, supply, access, and availability of food in Venezuela, causing an increase in food insecurity. Aim: To determine food and nutritional security in a sample of Venezuelan households belonging to urban and non-urban parishes in 23 states and the Capital District.

Materials and methods:

The standard methodology of the World Food Program (WFP) for the Emergency Food Security Assessment (ESAE) and the Consolidated Approach to Reporting Food Security Indicators (CARI- ECRI) were applied in 2041 households


56.9% of households have women as the head; whose age is between 30-59 years (64%), with some level of education and receive a wage. Only 9% of the households interviewed have food security; 69% presented marginal food security (they sacrifice other needs to be able to eat), 22% reported food insecurity, and 4.3% of these with the most severe form. The severity of food insecurity was consistently higher in non-urban parishes and in the states of Amazonas (83.3%), Apure (52.9%), Falcón (52.9%) and Delta Amacuro (50.0%)


Multiple factors converge in food and nutrition security. The solution requires acting on them efficiently to stop and reverse deterioration within a framework of respect for the human rights to health and food

Palabras clave : food security; unaffordability; CARI; hunger; undernourishment.

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