Revista Científica
versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259
OSECHAS, Darío y BECERRA SANCHEZ, Ligia M.. Production and Marketing of Rabbit Meat in Trujillo State, Venezuela. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2006, vol.16, n.2, pp.129-135. ISSN 0798-2259.
The economical activity in Trujillo state, Venezuela, is based on agricultural and animal production and they are the most important source of employment in rural areas The present research was developed to study aspects about production of rabbit farms, and the marketing of this meat; the methodology used was to obtain information by the help of interviews, eight farms located in four municipalities was visited. The information related to the marketing of the meat was obtained in direct form by means of a survey, of 37 butchers shops and 400 consumers located in the Boconó, Rafael Rangel, Trujillo and Valera municipalities. The information was processed with SPSS program. According to the technical profile the farms are semi-intensive. The mean of some items were: female 71.62; age of use 21 months; parturition 79.87%; parturition per year 6.62; breed/parturition 7.25. The feeding regime was 20-25% grass and 75-80% balanced feeds. Aditionally, the results showed unsatisfied demand; 30% of the visited butcher shops sells meat of rabbit whose suppliers are located Trujillo. 45% manifest their disposition to consume this meat, interpreting this answer like potential demand. 27% argued like reason for not to consume it that they don´t like this meat, 73% showed other reasons but with disposition to consume it. The most important conclusions are that the rabbit production in Trujillo has good development possibilities, and it is obvious that there is a potential market for rabbit meat; but it is necessary to offer technical support to promote the rabbit production.
Palabras clave : Rabbit production; rabbit farms management; commmercialization of rabbit meat.