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Revista Científica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259


PRIETO, Yelitza et al. Risk Factors Associated to the Ocurrence of Urban Rabies on Maracaibo County, Zulia State, Venezuela. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2006, vol.16, n.2, pp.165-175. ISSN 0798-2259.

The present investigation made at the Maracaibo municipality of Zulia state, Venezuela, over 76 canines admitted in the rabies laboratory of the Health and Social Development Ministry, allowed to determine through used statistical methodology that there is not association between sex, age and property (owner) of evaluated animals and the occurrence of urban rabies (P > 0.005); the disease outcomes between disease and immunitary conditions and free access to street (P < 0.005) were significative. Related to the socialeconomical variable of the familiar group from the rabies casuistic come, the high positivity corresponding to the middle low social stratus. In this sense, the used statistical analysis showed association among the middle high and the middle low socialeconomical level (P < 0.005) found the same result among the middle and middle low socialeconomical levels, such as between the same result and the low social condition. Consecuently, the registered human casuistic during 1995-2004, come from neighborhoods and parrish where the low social condition predominant, followed for the middle low socialeconomical level; the child population below of twelve years of age were the most affected. It was determined the response of the health services at different levels of political, tactical and operative is not opportune, which is translated in low vaccination covering. The research of focus in term of efficacy and efficiency is cuestionable, being very scarce the active participation of the regional and municipalities governmental organisms (Government, Mayoralty, City hall and Civil headquarters) and Community.

Palabras clave : Urban rabies; risk factors; zoonosis.

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