Revista Científica
versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259
VALLS, Jaime; PAREDES, Ana y GONZALEZ, Deokie. Stability of Sardine Fillets (Sardinella aurita) under Frozen Storage at -18°C. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2006, vol.16, n.2, pp.176-185. ISSN 0798-2259.
Physical, chemical and sensorial changes were evaluated in sardine (Sardinella aurita.) fillets under frozen storage at -18°C for six months. Samples were taken monthly in order to evaluate: pH, colour (L,a, and b), water binding capacity (WBC), solubility of proteins in saline solutions (SPs), thiobarbituric ácid test (TBA), lactic acid, fatty acid profile, moisture and sensory evaluation. In this research the storage time shows significant differences (P < 0.05) with: colour (L,a and b), sensorial evaluation, SPs and WBC. Sensorial evaluation was the most suitable parameter in measurement frozen fillets stability. Fillets showed an excellent grade of freshness, until second month of frozen storage. After that, quality decrease, but also can reach until fifth month, with good sensorial conditions, meanwhile at sixth month, muscle colour was alterate with yellow spots, maybe due by lipid oxidation. These sensorial changes were confirmed by TBA index, which increase from 0.024 (Ab.Und/g) at the beginning of this experience, until 0.22 al sixth month. The initial freshness of raw sardine, the low fat level (2.5%), and good manipulation were important factors that influence in the stability of the end product.
Palabras clave : Sardine; frozen storage; Sardinella aurita.