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Revista Científica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259


RIZZI, Rita et al. Genetic parameters of morphological traits of carora cattle. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.1, pp.58-65. ISSN 0798-2259.

Sixteen (16) morphological traits from 3867 Carora cows in Venezuela were studied. Genetic parameters were analyzed using a multiple trait animal model. Fixed effects of herd- year of evaluation interaction, month evaluation, age, stage of lactation classifier, within herd were considered, genetic parameters were obtained from REML estimates of covariance components. The highest heritability was found for stature (0.47) and for body depth (0.27), whereas the lowest values were found for foot angle (0.03). Udder traits showed low heritability estimates ranging from 0.06 for rear with to 0.13 for de udder balance. Higher estimations were found for tea placement side (0.16) and teat length (0.26). Genetic correlations among stature, body depth, strength and rump width were high and ranged from 0.76 to 0.86. Fore udder attachment was positively associated with rear udder height (0.46), udder depth (0.53), teat placement (0.17) and length (0.18) while a negative correlations with udder balance (-.028). Negative estimates genetic correlations were found between rump angle (-0.45), rear-legs rear view (-0.50), udder balance (-0.68), udder support (-0.32) y la angularity. Angularity was positively associated with rear udder height 0.62. Small correlations were estimated between foot angle and most traits. Negative genetic correlations between body development and udder traits suggested that selection to increase body size could not improve the udder conformation.. Selection should be oriented towards animals of medium size dairy characteristics

Palabras clave : Dairy cow; genetic parameters; tropics; morphological traits.

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