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vol.17 número4Relación entre la pérdida de grasa dorsal de Cerdas Lactantes con el consumo de alimento, tamaño de la camada, peso de los Lechones al destete y días de Lactancia.Comparación de modelos para estimar parámetros genéticos de crecimiento en ganado mestizo doble propósito índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Científica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259


RAMIREZ-IGLESIA, Lílido Nelson et al. Fertilidad y días vacíos en relación con factores asociados con el primer Celo Posparto en Vacas Mestizas de doble propósito. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2007, vol.17, n.4, pp.386-394. ISSN 0798-2259.

Fertility and Open Days and Their Relation With Associated Factors With the First Postpartum Estrus in Crossbred Dual Purpose Cows. ABSTRACT In crossbreed dual purpose cattle (DPC), the relationship between the factors associated with the first postpartum estrus (FPE), fertility and open days has rarely been studied. For this purpose, on a farm located in the humid tropical forest in the Lake Maracaibo basin Zulia State, Venezuela, a group of 300 crossbred cows was studied: Red Brahman, Gyr (Bos indicus) and Red Holstein (Bos taurus). These cows were manually milked twice a day in two groups, £100ppd and >100ppd (PPG), with calf support; they grazed on fields of German grass (Echinocloa polystachia) and other grasses. In order the estrus detection, the cows were accompanied by teaser bulls in a 25:1 ratio and watched four times a day at cement pens and pasture area. Using the chi-square test, variables such as vulva mucus color (VMC), the type of cervical mucus (TCM), the value of packed cell volume (PCV), the type of mount (TMOU), the place of detection (PLADET) of the estrus and the PPG and their relation with the fertility were studied. Using a variance-covariance analysis, it was studied the effect of these variables on the open days (OD). The parity (P), body condition (BC)and daily milk production (DMP) at the FPE was considered as co variables. The results show a 30% of estrus detected at the pasture area, the PCV >28% had a significant relationship (P<0.05) with fertility, with pregnancy at 67%; the VMC and TCM showed a favorable advantage for cows with red mucus and transparent and flowing mucus. The OD were 127 ± 44 d, with favorable tendency (P<0.08) for fluid and transparent mucus. The observation of estrus at the pasture area and the register of associated factors can improve fertility.

Palabras clave : Estrus factors; dual purpose cattle; open days; gestation diagnosis; fertility.

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