Revista Científica
versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259
NIEVES, Duilio et al. Performance Traits of Rabbits Fed Tropical Foliage Based Diets. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2009, vol.19, n.2, pp.173-180. ISSN 0798-2259.
The inclusion of Leucaena leucocephala, Trichanchera gigantea and Morus alba foliage in pelleted rabbits diets in proportions of 10, 20 and 30% was studied. Eighty New Zealand × California rabbits (1124.1 ± 289.7 g of live weight) were individually allocated in 10 treatments according with a completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 3 × 3, the factors were the forages and the inclusion levels. Additionally, a control diet was formulated that didnt contain test foliage, which was compared with the dietary treatments. The average daily gain was higher (P<0.01) in the animals that received diets with L. leucocephala (29.49) and M. alba (26.00) foliage, with regard to T. gigantea (21.85 g/rabbit). Similarly the feed conversion and the relationship benefit feeding cost was higher (P<0.01) in the animals that received L. leucocephala and M. alba with regard to T. gigantea (4.75, 5.34 and 6.30, and 3.28, 2.82 and 2.63 Bs, respectively). The inclusion level and the interaction didnt affect (P>0.05) the studied variables. The rabbits that received the control diet showed 4.21 in feed conversion and 2.76 Bs in the relationship benefit feeding cost, and there were similar (P>0.05) with regard to other treatments; although the average daily gain (31.78 g/rabbit) was higher with the control diet. These results allow to suggest the incorporation until 30% of this forages in fattening rabbits diets.
Palabras clave : Leucaena leucocephala; Trichanchera gigantea; Morus alba; rabbits feeding; performance traits.