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Revista Científica

versión impresa ISSN 0798-2259


VELASQUEZ, Carlos A et al. Strangulation obstructions of large intestine in horses: clinical evaluation and surgical treatment in two cases. Rev. Cient. (Maracaibo) [online]. 2009, vol.19, n.3, pp.242-252. ISSN 0798-2259.

Strangulation obstructions are external vascular constriction with simultaneous blockage of intestinal lumen. It has also been referred cause severe intestinal disease in the horses and commonly related colic. The incidence of this lesion is low with high fatality influenced by anatomic segment involved and rapid surgical intervention at the horse. This paper report the history, clinical signs, histopathologic findings, surgical ma- nagement, clinical progress and post-surgical treatment in two case of strangulation of the large colon in horses sent to the veterinary clinic “Dr. Luis Medina”. History, physical examination, laboratory test and exploratory laparatomy were used for diagnostic purpose. The resolution of each case has been completed with a histopatlogic study of the anatomic segment involved. The resolution in the case number one was for pelvic flexure enterotomy to decompress the colon torsion. The case number two was threatened with large colon resection and sideto-side anastomosis of left dorsal and ventral colons. Both cases survived however the case two have better clinical progress post-surgical.

Palabras clave : Strangulation of the large colon; clinical signs; colic; exploratory laparotomy; horses.

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