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Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0798-4065


POZO MOREJON, Juan et al. Modelation methodology by means of ansys of the welding thermal history, stresses and strains . Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV [online]. 2009, vol.24, n.2, pp.13-26. ISSN 0798-4065.

A modeling methodology of the evolution of thermal history, stresses and strains due to the welding process, using the general purpose finite elements software ANSYS Multiphysics release 9.0, is exposed. This methodology integrates existing information and new variants that, in occasions, provide better results than those previously published results. This methodology was applied to the three-dimensional modeling of automatic GMAW on 5083-O aluminum - magnesium alloy plates, which are frequently employed in the modern industry. Model results were validated against published experimental dates. The study allowed to define that for this alloy type the best results are obtain using a cut-off temperature similar to the metal solid temperature, employing the bilinear material models without hardening or using kinematics hardening, and activating welding elements when thermal source is right over them, during both thermal and mechanic races

Palabras clave : Welding; Modeling; ANSYS; Aluminum; Stress; Strains.

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