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Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0798-4065


FERNANDEZ, Celeste et al. Effects of horse dung and liquid humus on the biodegradation process of oil contaminated soil. Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV [online]. 2009, vol.24, n.2, pp.47-58. ISSN 0798-4065.

The degradation process of heavy oil on a soil using horse dung and liquid humus like biostimulants agents was evaluated to reduce its pollution level. Total petroleum hydrocarbon, characterization saturated, aromatics, resins and asphalt fractions (SARA), humidity rate, acidity potential, totals aerobics mesophylic count, gas chromatic to saturated fraction and resonance magnetic de protons spectra to resins and asphalt fractions were determined. In addition was realized the analysis of variance for randomized complete block and the multiple comparisons like all pairwise Tukey HSD and with a control of Dunnett’s test. Shows significant differences (p < 0,05) in the reduction of TPH concentrations with horse dung treatment by the microbial degradation enhance to 37,72 ± 0,02 %, which demonstrates the effectiveness the horse dung like biostimulants agent in the removal of the HTP, unlike the liquid humus for which significant differences in Dunnett’s test were not registered (p > 0,05) with 16,36 ± 0,02 % of TPH removal. The horse dung treatment showed a high percentage of saturated hydrocarbon removal. But in the time of treatment (22 days) the levels of cleaning were not obtained established by the environmental norm

Palabras clave : Bioremediation; Horse dung; Liquid humus; Petroleum; Agent biostimulant.

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