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vol.25 número1Análisis preliminar de la vulnerabilidad de un sistema de potencia mediante interdicción determinista multiobjetivoCriterios para la selección de herramientas de ingeniería de software en PYMES índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela

versión impresa ISSN 0798-4065


LOSAVIO, Francisca  y  GUILLEN-DRIJA, Christian. Comparison of software architecture methods: A framework for a unified architecture method. Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV [online]. 2010, vol.25, n.1, pp.71-87. ISSN 0798-4065.

Due to the growing interest in the current development of the architectural vision of software, a great number of architectural design and evaluation methods have been proposed. They are generally based on equivalent, complementary or alternative concepts. A comparative study of such methods allows us to determine procedures and activities that satisfy the process of generating architecture in terms of the initial set of requirements. In this paper, we present a comparative framework which is applied to architectural design methods as well as architectural evaluation methods. We obtained a set of desirable characteristics in an architectural design method. Based on those characteristics, a first draft of a framework for a unified method that contemplates the whole design process is presented

Palabras clave : Software architecture; Software quality; Architectural design methods; Architecture evaluation methods; Quality characteristics.

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