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Revista de la Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad Central de Venezuela

Print version ISSN 0798-4065


CASTILLO, Isi; LOSAVIO, Francisca  and  MATTEO, Alfredo. Aspect orientation and the new SQuaRE standard for software requirements. Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV [online]. 2010, vol.25, n.4, pp.17-25. ISSN 0798-4065.

Aspect oriented software development (AOSD), based on aspect oriented programming (AOP), is part of the post-object paradigm of software engineering. This study deals with the early treatment of crosscutting concerns combined with classical engineering requirements processes in which quality requirements are relevant. In spite of the increasing interest in this line of research, a homogenous vision of the terminology involved is yet to be established. The goal of this work is to integrate the main concepts used in AOSD, with the notions of engineering requirements and the recent ISO/IEC 25030 software quality requirements terminology, setting the basis for a better understanding and consensus towards a common vocabulary for the emerging Aspect Oriented Quality Requirements Engineering discipline. The main result of this integration is a UML conceptual model.

Keywords : Aspects; Concerns; Crosscutting concerns; Requirements engineering; Software quality; ISO/IEC 25030; ISO/ IEC 25010; SQuaRE.

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