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vol.23 número1Estudio morfológico del cerdo criollo del estado Apure, VenezuelaProducción de materia seca de Leucaena leucocephala a diferentes edades de corte y épocas del año bajo un sistema de riego artesanal índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


R. TORRES, Adolfo; CHACON, Eduardo; ARMAS, Santiago  y  ESPINOZA, Freddy. Effect of sowing patterns on protein production of Leucaena leucocephala banks Summary. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2005, vol.23, n.1, pp.28-50. ISSN 0798-7269.

In the Experimental Station "La Antonia" of the Central University of Venezuela located at Marín, Yaracuy State, it was carried out a study with the objective to evaluate the effect of sowing patterns on the production of crude protein (CP) in the available biomass (Æ <6 mm) and no available (Æ >6 mm) in banks of Leucaena leucocephala. The experimental design was a complete randomized factorial, considering the factors sowing modality (single row, SR, and double row, DR), and distance between rows: 1 and 2 m, for a total of four treatments. Plants densities on the surface were 21840, 10000, 28560, and 18480 plants/ha, respectively. The legume was established 0.5 m between plants. It was applied an uniformity cut 90 days after the transplant, and harvested every 60 days corresponding to the different climatic seasons from transition, rain, and drought, taking four samplings (October, December, February, and April). Differences (P<0.05) in the protein content were detected and protein production between the biomass available (23.3% PC and 509 kg/ha) and no available (17.2% PC and 211 kg/ha), and also between the modalities of sowing with averages of 531 kg PC/ha for DR, and 191 kg PC/ha for SR. It was concluded that the different harvests through the year and the patterns of sowing did not have a direct influence on the CP content, but the sowing modality had an effect on the production of CP/ha in the banks of Leucaena.

Palabras clave : Legume; modality of sowing; time of the year; protein content; biomass..

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