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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


DIAZ DE RAMIREZ, Adelina; RAMIREZ IGLESIA, Lilido N; MORILLO LUQUE, José G  y  BARRETO BASTIDAS, Alejandro J. Infection with Cryptosporidium sp., and its association with diarrhea in calves of dual-purpose herds. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2007, vol.25, n.1, pp.29-36. ISSN 0798-7269.

The presence of Cryptosporidium sp. infection and its association with diarrhea were determined in 31 crossbred calves dual-purpose herds (Bos Taurus x Bos indicus) born during four consecutive months at a commercial farm. During the first months of life, four to five fecal samples per calf were collected for a total of 140. The samples were processed by the NaCl centrifugal-flotation method and staining with carbol-fuchsin. The results showed that all animals acquired the infection before 15 days of age, and it was observed a highly significant association (P<0.01) between the age of calves and  the infection with Cryptosporidium sp. Consistency of the samples was liquid and semi-liquid (47.1%), while 84.8% of these samples showed Cryptosporidium sp. oocysts. In contrast, only 33.8% of the samples with normal consistency showed parasites. There was a highly significant association (P<0.01) between infection with Cryptosporidium sp and the fecal consistency. The risk of presenting diarrhea on infected calves with Cryptosporidium sp. was 2.51 times higher compared to those uninfected calves. The diarrhea cases were predominant from 4 to 14 days old calves. Even though the diarrheic sample percentage was higher among the positives ones for all ages, only there was a significant association (P<0.05) between infection due to Cryptosporidium sp. and diarrhea for the first three collections. Therefore, the risk of presenting diarrhea among infected calves was significantly higher for those animals that were less than 15 days old.

Palabras clave : Calves; neonates; Cryptosporidium sp; diarrhea; dual-purpose herds.

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