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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


GALINDEZ, Rafael et al. Evaluation of the fertility and hatchability in Japanese quails. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2009, vol.27, n.1, pp.007-018. ISSN 0798-7269.

With the aim to study the effect of some non genetic factors on fertility and hatchability of quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) under two different reproduction systems (modalities of matching), three analyses of variance were realized assuming a binomial distribution of the data. There were used 2613 records for fertility (FE), 2178 for total hatchability (TH), and 1413 for fertile hatchability (FH) from a group of experimental quails. The effects of month of lay, generation, and type of matching were included for FE and for TH and FH were added egg weight, eggshell color and sheen. Water and food were offered ad libitum. The relation male: female was 1:3. Two modalities of reproduction were studied: rotary (rotating the male) and continuous (permanent presence of the male). Fertility, TH and FH averages were 78.7, 25.8, and 42.3%, respectively. The month of higher (P<0.01) fertility was March (91.1%), whereas November had the lowest (51.7%). The higher TH and FH (P<0.01) was in August (42.6 and 65.7%) and the lower TH and FH were observed in April (12.5 and 17.9%). There was higher fertility (P<0.01, 86.2%) in the eggs from continuous reproduction system. Eggs with higher TH (P<0.01) were those of brilliant eggshell (43.9%), dark color eggshell (48.0%) and intermediate weight (10.1 to 11.0 g; 44.0%). It can be concluded that the eggs of dark color, brilliant eggshell, and intermediate weight laid in the rainy months had better properties for the process of incubation. Likewise, in farms where the rotary matching is not necessary, it is advisable to use the continuous reproduction system.

Palabras clave : hatchability; incubation; Coturnix coturnix japonica; reproduction system; eggshell color; eggshell sheen.

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