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Zootecnia Tropical
versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269
GALINDEZ, Rafael et al. Effect of Hatching Month, Egg Physical Characters and Storage, on Embryonic Mortality in Japanese Quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica). Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.1, pp.17-24. ISSN 0798-7269.
To study the effect on the embryonic mortality until the 17th day (M17) and between the 18th and 21st day (M21), of month of lay (MP), egg weight (PH), shell color (CCH), shell sheen (BRH) and time of storage (TA), analyses of variance were realized assuming a binomial distribution of the data, using 1403 records for M17 and 845 for M21 of five incubations of eggs gathered from 120 experimental quails of the Poultry Section-Laboratory (UCV). Water and food were offered ad libitum. Was found mortality averages of 29,9 % and 35,04 % for M17 and M21, respectively. The month of higher (P <0,01) mortality was April (56,90 % and 48,22 %); whereas the lowest mortality happened in May (20,95 %) and June (18,09 %) for M17 and M21, respectively. Eggs with higher mortality (P <0,01) were those that weighed less than 10 g. (41,94 %), of brilliant shell (38,71 %) and stored for more than 8 days (40,48 % and 60,35 % for M17 and M21, respectively). In conclusion less mortality occurs in those eggs incubated in the rainy months, with superior weight to 10 g., with mat shell and stored for less than 8 days
Palabras clave : eclosion; hatching; survival; shell sheen.