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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


ALMAGUEL, Ramiro E et al. Substitution of the traditional energy source (corn) by sugar cane molasses B in diets for finishing pigs. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.1, pp.57-64. ISSN 0798-7269.

For this study forty-four castrated males pigs of the commercial crossing YL x CC21 (1:1) with 75 days of age and 22.0 kg live weight, were used with the aim of study animal performance of growing-fattening pigs fed with feed B and NUPROVIM 10 in diets based in sugar cane molasses B as an energy source. The pigs were allotted at random in blocks with three treatments. The effect of a concentrated B (balanced feed based on soybean and corn meal and 30% of the wheat Cuban byproduct), treatment 1 and NUPROVIM 10 (N10) in diets of sugar cane B molasses, treatment 2, was studied. Additionally, it was carry out a third treatment (control), using a concentrated feed based on cereals and soybean meal. There were significant differences for the dry matter consumption, kg (P< 0,05) treatment 1:2,78; treatment 2:2,61; treatment 3:2,56; daily gain, g/day (P< 0,001) 779; 807; 853 and final weight, kg (P <0,01) 97,11; 99,83 y 102,38; respectively. These results confirmed that the use of the sugar cane molasses in Cuba constitutes an important source of energy in the alternative feeding and that it is possible to obtain results in the animal performance traits comparable to those reached with conventional diets based on cereals and soybean meal

Palabras clave : Growing-fattening pigs; B molasses; NUPROVIM.

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