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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


LEMUS, Clemente et al. Effect of body weight and sex on rectal digestibility of nutrients and feces output in Mexican Cuino pigs. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.2, pp.213-220. ISSN 0798-7269.

A 2 x 2 factorial arrangement was used to determine the effect of sex (castrate males and female individuals) and body weight (32 and 47 kg) on rectal nutrient digestibility and feces output of 14 Mexican Cuino pigs fed ad libitum. A conventional diet was offered in meal form with an initial live weight of 20,1 kg. Contrary to what occurred for fecal N status, there was a significant (P <0,05) body weight x sex interaction for DM and organic matter rectal digestibility and for fresh, dry and water feces output. It was found that there was not significant (P >0,05) sex influence on DM, organic matter and N rectal digestibility of animals. There was not body weight effect on N digestibility. Feces output was not influenced by sex (P >0,05), but 32 kg pigs excreted significantly (P <0,01) more fresh material and water as well as N compounds and DM (P <0,001), than 47 kg animals. It is concluded that rectal digestibility of a conventional diet given ad libitum in meal form is high in the Mexican Cuino pigs.

Palabras clave : body weight; sex; nutrient digestibility; feces output; Mexican Cuino pig.

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