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Zootecnia Tropical

versión impresa ISSN 0798-7269


VERDE, Omar. Genotype x environment interaction on 548 days weight in beef cattle. Zootecnia Trop. [online]. 2010, vol.28, n.4, pp.507-512. ISSN 0798-7269.

The importance of genetic x environment interaction in 548-days weight in beef cattle was evaluated by means of some 440 records obtained from the database of the Romosinuano Program in Venezuela. Least squares analysis included fixed effects of herd (H), sex (S), year (Y) and month (M) of calving, age of cow (A), sire (S) and interaction S x H. An Animal Model analysis included fixed effects of H, S, Y, M, A and animal random genetic effect, while another Animal Model identified and included sire present in different herds as different ones, in order to obtain their estimates of genetic within each herd. Results indicate that genetic by environment interaction was highly significant (P < 0,01) and that genetic merit of sires ranks different within herds which imply the necessity to be careful with the selection of sires to be used in different environments from the ones that were used to produce records for their evaluations.

Palabras clave : beef cattle; 548 days weight; genotype x environment interaction.

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