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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784
ALVAREZ, José. The morphosyntax of clausal negation in Kari'ña, Cariban. Núcleo [online]. 2005, vol.17, n.22, pp.9-39. ISSN 0798-9784.
We describe the morphosyntax of clausal negation in kari'ña, a Cariban language spoken by some 10,000 people in Eastern Venezuela. The valuable works about this language by Mosonyi (1982, 1986, 2002) deal mainly with the morphology, but in them we can find scattered syntactic observations about negative constructions. According to Mosonyi, there exists an invariable negative form which is the basis for the whole negative conjugation which, from a morphological point of view, is formed by adding the suffix -ja to the positive verb stem, the inflection being expressed by the combination of this form with the inflected forms of the copulative verb vañño. Mosonyi further claims that this negative verb stem has a predicative value in the sense of the construction being "una oración de predicado nominal" (1982: 144). By comparing negation in kari'ña with that of other languages of the same family, it is clear that it works in a very similar way in the different Cariban languages. However, according to our analysis, this negative suffix adverbializes the verb phrase and thus allows having it as a complement, not as a nominal predicate, of such verb vañño, which functions as an ordinary intransitive verb.
Palavras-chave : Cariban; kari'ña; negation; syntax.