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vol.17 número22Frases com infinitivo impessoal nos horóscopos diretivos: Estratégias de distanciamento e atenuaçãoA narrativa de Gloria Stolk: Mudança cultural e função da intelectualidade feminina durante a ditadura índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


DORTA, Gabriel. The construction and transgression of social boundaries in the chat communication.: A ritual (dis)order?. Núcleo [online]. 2005, vol.17, n.22, pp.127-157. ISSN 0798-9784.

The restrictions of chats to the written communication channel and the relative anonymity of the participants lead to the transgression of a specific ritual order and the exercise of power over the chatters. Why are the limits of this ritual order exceeded? What is the reason for exercising power over the participants and for carrying out such an uncooperative behavior? In the present paper, I will determine how power is constructed and negotiated during the interaction and the way it influences the processes of presentation and negotiation of social relationships in chats. In order to explain the ritual order in the medium, the behavior rules known as CHATIQUETTE will be described and classified in those related to rituals of distance and rituals of presentation (Goffman, 1986). By means of selected examples, I will explain the reasons why these communicative strategies are put into practice as well as their possible relation with a rituality characteristic of chats.

Palavras-chave : chat,; ritual order; power; discourse analysis..

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