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vol.17 número22A narrativa de Gloria Stolk: Mudança cultural e função da intelectualidade feminina durante a ditadura índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


BATISTA OJEDA, Judith T; ARRIETA DE MEZA, Beatriz  e  MEZA CEPEDA, Rafael D. Lexical-semantic elements of the English scientific-technical discourse and their translation. Núcleo [online]. 2005, vol.17, n.22, pp.177-197. ISSN 0798-9784.

This paper aims to demonstrate translation difficulties expressed by the students involved in the scientific-technical field when developing reading skills with texts written in English related to their specialties. Specifically, those difficulties refer to the translation of semantic-lexical elements of the scientific-technical discourse linked to the technical and sub-technical vocabulary and to the multiple premodification in noun phrases. To achieve this goal, a definition and description of the elements mentioned above was made from the point of view of discourse analysts, in general, and of scientific-technical discourse analysts, in particular. The difficulty was verified by a sample of 32 students and the results were qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed to establish the relationship between theory and praxis. Among the conclusions derived from this investigation is the need to teach these students translation techniques in order to help them to develop a better reading comprehension.

Palavras-chave : translation; scientific-technical discourse; semantic-lexical elements.

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