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vol.18 número23Los Horóscopos: su configuración temporal y modal índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


ACOSTA J, Otilia M.. Análisis de introducciones de artículos de investigación publicados en la Revista Núcleo 1985-2003. Núcleo [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.23, pp.9-30. ISSN 0798-9784.

This study is an analysis of introductions of research articles written in Spanish from the perspective of genre analysis theory, based on Swales’ (1990) CARS (Create a Research Space) model. The main objectives were to find the rhetorical patterns present in a sample of 46 introductions, to identify the most frequently used pattern and then to compare these results with those of studies based on English. The selected introductions constituted 50% of the total research papers published between 1985 and 2003 in Núcleo, the journal of the School of Modern Languages of the Un i versidad Central de Venezuela. The analysis was carried out by identifying the lexical and grammatical marks which allowed us to determine the movements and steps followed by the authors of the sample. The analysis results show that the authors of these introductions use different rhetorical conventions. We recommend that this genre research in Spanish be continued and deepened.

Palavras-chave : Applied Linguistics; academic discourse; the journal Núcleo; introductions.

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