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vol.18 número23El Campo Léxico de Justicia en el Español Peninsular y su relación con los procesos de Control Social y el ejercicio del poder (SIGLOS XIV Y XV)Intercambios con Sylvia Molloy y Julio Ramos: Dos deslindes teóricos en el campo de la Novela Decimonónica índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


SIEVER, Holger. Comunicación Intercultural y Sociolingüística. Núcleo [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.23, pp.83-104. ISSN 0798-9784.

In this paper I propose a new sub-discipline of sociolinguistics that we  might call ‘intercultural sociolinguistics’ and that will deal with all of the phenomena at the intersection of intercultural communication and sociolinguistics. Intercultural sociolinguistics will consider the verbal and nonverbal behavior of human beings in a real intercultural context. When two or more individuals representing different cultures meet and try to communicate, we have a situation of intercultural encounter which we can analyze using techniques from the ethnography of communication, ethnomethodology or conversation analysis. Gi ven that the behavior patterns of the individuals invol ed are not the same in intercultural encounters as they are in monocultural ones, we might conclude that monocultural or contrastive cultural studies do not suffice to describe behavior in intercultural encounters. These studies are prerequisites for the development of real intercultural studies.

Palavras-chave : intercultural sociolinguistics,; intercultural communication; conversational analysis; intercultural studies.

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