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vol.18 número23Intercambios con Sylvia Molloy y Julio Ramos: Dos deslindes teóricos en el campo de la Novela DecimonónicaEntre décadas: la Revista Rocinante (1968-1971) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


FERNANDEZ MERINO, Mireya. Trascendiendo fronteras: un acercamiento a la Obra de Caryl Phillips. Núcleo [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.23, pp.155-174. ISSN 0798-9784.

The narrative of Caryl Phillips, writer born in St. Kitts, is a point of departure for the reflection on the literary production that blossomed in the European and North American metropolis due to migration. This author’s work dwells on diversity and frontier crossing. One of the recurrent motifs is travel. His novels go across time and space to describe the different faces and to listen to the multiple voices of slaves and their descendants, throughout the more than two hundred years of African Diaspora and its expansion in Europe and America. The rewriting of history marks this author’s narrative. The present paper analyzes how his novels Cambridge, Higher Ground and Crossing the River go beyond spatial and temporary frontiers as well as how the author manages to assemble the puzzle of diverse but paradoxically similar experiences that his characters live, and, thus, recreate the Caribbean history and the African Diaspora through the fictional narrative.

Palavras-chave : West Indian Literature; Caryl Phillips; history; diaspora.

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