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vol.18 número23Entre décadas: la Revista Rocinante (1968-1971) índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


SARACENI, Gina Alessandra. El Malestar de la Escritura: Notas sobre Tununa Mercado . Núcleo [online]. 2006, vol.18, n.23, pp.211-226. ISSN 0798-9784.

A reflection on end of the century Latin American literature must address the emergence of fictions that question the stability and rigidity of literary genres. The work of Argentinean writer Tununa Mercado constitutes an instance of the tendency to question the “tyranny of genre” in order to reveal the relationship between power and meaning. Writing in this case becomes a state of expectancy, the expectancy of a meaning which arises from the act of writing itself. This kind of writing that functions as a process-in-process is built upon the confluence of the remains of the past with the contingencies of the present. It is this confluence that reveals unexpected meanings. That is why in its wandering through different d i s c u r s i ve genres -autobiographical fiction, essay, memoirs, journal- Mercado´s work stages both a poetics of (re)writing and the history of the multiple versions of the narrative subject´s experience.

Palavras-chave : rewriting; literary genres; frontier; memory; meaning.

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