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vol.19 número24O porta-fólio: Estratégia para avaliar a produção escrita em inglês feita por estudantes universitáriosO grupo nominal complexo e suas implicações para a leitura de textos de ciência índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


MARCANO, Zayra. "Y la niñita fue un poquito tonta": Study of the development of some mitigation strategies in a corpus from Caracas. Núcleo [online]. 2007, vol.19, n.24, pp.97-112. ISSN 0798-9784.

In this paper I study the development of some mitigation strategies in a corpus of child language from the city of Caracas. Mitigation is a discursive strategy in which the speakers use certain linguistic resources to moderate the content of their statements. Even though there is a wide range of such resources, I only analyzed the morphological and lexical ones (diminutives and modifiers such as un pocolito, como, más o menos, etc.) used by the subjects of the sample. This analysis was aimed at identifying which of the mitigators is used most frequently by children and at what age the mitigation strategies studied begin to consolidate. I also decided to analyze whether the socioeconomic standard affected the frequency in which mitigators are used, based on the fact that the sample members were already classified into two groups by their socioeconomic status. The results show that como is the mitigator that is most frequently used by children and that the different resources studied begin to be used more often from the age of seven. I also determined that they are more frequently used in the group with a higher socioeconomic standard.

Palavras-chave : mitigation strategies; child language; strategies development; pragmatic component.

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