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vol.19 número24O grupo nominal complexo e suas implicações para a leitura de textos de ciênciaMentiras filosóficas dentro de verdades narrativas em Respiración Artificial de Ricardo Piglia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


BOADAS, Aura Marina. Exilio y desarraigo en la narrativa de renato rodríguez: Exile and uprooting in Renato Rodríguez’ narrative. Núcleo [online]. 2007, vol.19, n.24, pp.137-149. ISSN 0798-9784.

This work focuses on the exile and otherness representations manifested in the narrative of the Venezuelan writer Renato Rodríguez, which are described and analyzed based on the classifications proposed by different experts on this matter. There is a physical exile, when the individuals have to leave their homeland, and a mental exile, when they remain in their country but escape from their environment by means of their imagination. The study of the exile images reveals references to the "natives" and the "foreigners", which is an important information source to study who the Other is and how they are described. The analysis of these elements reveals how the characters perceive their compatriots, their homeland, and the nation.

Palavras-chave : Renato Rodríguez; exile; uprooting; narrative.

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