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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


FERRARI FERMIN, Virna I  e  TORREALBA M, Carlos E. English for Mathematicians at Universidad Simón Bólívar: Towards a Redesign Based on a Needs Analysis. Núcleo [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.26, pp.011-035. ISSN 0798-9784.

The purpose of this article is to report the application and results of a needs analysis conducted with the objective of redesigning the program “English for Mathematicians”, taught to Pure and Applied Mathematics majors at Universidad Simón Bolívar. The participants were individuals involved in the teaching-learning process: mathematics teachers, English teachers, and students who had already taken the program. Open-question questionnaires were used to gather their opinions on several aspects and their answers were analyzed qualitatively with Atlas Ti. The findings show that the majority of the participants considered that the four linguistic skills need to be reinforced; most respondents also believed that more mathematical content must be included and reinforced throughout the program. Several participants considered that the use of new technologies (ICTs) is essential. Finally, all subjects feel that the course is necessary in the academic preparation of a mathematician.

Palavras-chave : English for Specific Purposes; redesign of courses; needs analysis.

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