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vol.21 número26Fomos para casa, e minha mãe disse: “Vocês estavam se jogando no riacho?”, “não, mãe!”, “¡claro que sim!”: estudo piloto das citações em conversas na fala de CaracasRepresentações sociais da escritura e da leitura no primeiro e no segundo grau índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


MAYORA PERNIA, Carlos Alberto. Theoretical and Pedagogical Bases of the Skills Integrated Approach in Foreign Language Teaching . Núcleo [online]. 2009, vol.21, n.26, pp.099-126. ISSN 0798-9784.

In the last two decades, specialized literature on Foreign Language (FL) teaching methodology has emphasized a paradigm shift regarding the way the four language skills are taught. This implies a shift from a segregationist perspective on the skills (each taught unconnectedly and in a fixed sequence) towards a more integrationist one (two or more skills integrated in realistic and meaningful tasks). The latter has been labeled as the skills-integrated approach. However, in many FL classrooms segregationist practices still seem to be dominant. This article proposes a first step towards solving the above mentioned disparity between theory and practice by briefly, yet systematically, describing the origins and main underlying bases of the approach. The author ends with a proposal on how this issue might be fur ther addressed through field research.

Palavras-chave : skills; integration; theoretical underpinnings; authenticity; foreign languages.

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