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vol.22 número27Para ver se nos perdemos: a construção para ver se na história do espanholLiteratura medieval francesa: a controvérsia a respeito do termo roman e a influência da obra de Chrétien de Troyes em sua evolução índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


BERNAL, Reygar. The I and the Others: Dialectic of Conciliation in Two Poems by Derek Walcott. Núcleo [online]. 2010, vol.22, n.27, pp.115-131. ISSN 0798-9784.

This paper is an analysis of “Ruins of a Great House” and “Verandah”, two poems written by Caribbean poet Derek Walcott. Its aim is to observe how the poet manages to produce a concept of identity of the Caribbean I in contrast to the others. To achieve this, the texts will be deconstructed, following Jonathan Culler (2000) and Barbara Johnson (1980), and then a dialectic of conciliation will follow. The dialogue between the binary oppositions present in the poems eventually reveals a middle point at which the I and the others become a we. The texts chosen for the analysis are themselves a deconstruction exercise applied by Walcott to his own identity. Finally, in order to reinscribe all three persons in the historical becoming of the Caribbean we, the conclusion includes a brief comparison between the reconciling Caribbean person proposed by Walcott in his poems and the images of both the white colonizer and the black slave present in poems by Saint-John Perse and Aimé Césaire, respectively.

Palavras-chave : identity; Caribbean; deconstruction; historical becoming; poetry.

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