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vol.23 número28A tradução da estrutura do discurso e a posição do tradutor índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


ARANCIBIA AGUILERA, María Cristina. The response of learners to the use of multimodal presentation of content in hypertextual environments. Núcleo [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.28, pp.11-31. ISSN 0798-9784.

The transition from rigid principles imposed by instructionism to the adoption of better and more efficient pedagogical approaches to respond to the demands of a more technologically complex world has fostered the insertion of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in the classroom to promote multimedia learning. This study aims to describe the way in which a group of eight individuals responded to multimodal forms of content presentations in hypertextual environments. A group of eight undergraduate students of Literary Arts was exposed to a website designed to serve the purpose of this research. The website provides information about influenza, with links to other websites that students were asked to explore. Verbal protocols, held a week after the experiment, were used to collect the information that students recalled from the different modes of content presentation they were exposed to during online sessions. The analysis of the eight verbal protocols reveals that audio-visual material was critical in the individuals’ subsequent retrieval of information from long term memory (LTM) during interviews. Results obtained show coherence between retrieval cues and mode of content presentation. In conclusion, effective selection of contents in hypertextual environments implies adherence to multimedia and modality principles. This fact contributes to the construction of meaningful and, consequently, long-lasting learning.

Palavras-chave : hypertext; discourse comprehension; learning.

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