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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


AZCARATE HIDALGO, Wilmer. Translation of the discourse structure and the translator’s stance. Núcleo [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.28, pp.33-57. ISSN 0798-9784.

The purpose of the research reported here was to find out if translators follow or not the original structure of the texts they translate from English into Spanish, as well as the way the changes affect the meaning and show the translator’s stance. To do so, we analyzed the translation of the discourse structure known as triad and how translators reflect themselves in the target text. The research is based on Bolívar’s (1994, 2005) model of analysis of the interaction in written text, and on Bolívar, Beke and Shiro’s (2010) work on stance. The corpus is made up of five texts and their translations, which were analyzed by identifying linguistic marks that define the triad structure and the translator’s stance. The results show that, when the translators created the target text, in some cases they maintained the source text structure (44.44%) while in others they changed it (55.55%). The analysis showed evidence that the scarce planning of structural changes led to sense alterations. It was also found that the translators left a mark indicating their presence in the translation. Therefore, there is evidence to conclude that the analysis of text structure is fundamental to understand the meanings of the source text and to better understand the way the translator expresses stance before the ideas in the source text.

Palavras-chave : translation of the structure; supra-sentence discoursal unit; triad; stance; translator’s visibility.

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