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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


BRUNI, Antonio. Teaching the Kinesthetic and Proxemic Competences to Students of Foreign Languages. Núcleo [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.28, pp.91-114. ISSN 0798-9784.

Traditionally, in the teaching of languages, the verbal element has always been highlighted as the sole vehicle for communication in a foreign language. However, nowadays the importance of extralinguistic codes in the process of communication is universally acknowledged, especially in intercultural communication contexts. What is particularly emphasized is the capacity to correctly interpret body signals. Modern didactics gives ample space to the kinesthetic and proxemic competences, essential to the success of intercultural communication. Nevertheless, it is necessary to include exercises that aim at developing these extralinguistic competences in a didactic unit which addresses both the acquisition of linguistic and cultural aspects. In this article, a series of exercises that can be used in the classroom along with traditional linguistic activities are proposed to help teach the correct use of a corporal communication code which differs from the students’ own cultural model, so that they be able to acquire an adequate intercultural communicative competence.

Palavras-chave : interculturality; kinesthetic competence; proxemic competence; didactics.

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