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vol.23 número28Perfil do estudante e motivação na aprendizagem do italiano como língua estrangeiraEfeitos da distância tipológica entre as línguas e do número de línguas conhecidas na aquisição da sintaxe do espanhol como língua estrangeira índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


TOLEDO VEGA, Gloria  e  TOLEDO AZOCAR, Sonia. A Pragmalinguistic Approach to Three Issues in the Verbal System in the Teaching of Spanish as a Second Language. Núcleo [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.28, pp.195-216. ISSN 0798-9784.

In this article we present a revision of the role of the pragmatic constituent in teaching second languages. This revision is the starting point to set up a didactic proposal which aims at applying pragmalinguistic criteria when teaching three features with a high degree of markedness in Spanish: ser and estar, the past of the indicative mode, and the modal discrimination between the subjunctive and the indicative. These features also present double selection and do not exhibit a clear relationship between meaning and form, which makes them difficult structures to acquire by non native speakers.

Palavras-chave : pragmalinguistics; marked; double selection; intention of the speaker; communicative functions.

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