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vol.23 número28Efeitos da distância tipológica entre as línguas e do número de línguas conhecidas na aquisição da sintaxe do espanhol como língua estrangeira índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


VILLEGAS ZERLIN, Solveig. Irony in the Poetry of Leonardo Padrón. Núcleo [online]. 2011, vol.23, n.28, pp.253-273. ISSN 0798-9784.

Language, a value generating faculty, uses multiple resources and strategies which, responding to different communicative situations, relate the fields of life and knowledge. In this regard, we find irony, convincingly observed in today’s poetics and communication, an active part of our present discourse. Pere Ballart (1994: 23) maintains that the “ironic figuration” is a symptom of the current circumstances and believes that it is “a mode of thought and art that emerges especially during times of spiritual unease, in which trying to account for reality becomes a purpose doomed to fail.”This paper addresses irony and its diverse aspects, together with cosmopolitan space, as essential parts of poetic communication. It illustrates the mentioned circumstances with a selection of poems from Boulevard (2002) and El amor tóxico (2005), by Venezuelan writer Leonardo Padrón. The nature of the research is qualitative and analytic-descriptive; textual corpora from specialized bibliography, newspapers and the Internet were analyzed.

Palavras-chave : Leonardo Padrón; irony; metropolis; poetic communication.

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