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vol.24 número29O uso da plataforma educacional MOODLE em um curso de competência leitora em inglês como língua estrangeira (ILE)O jogo da "duplicação original": a narrativa autorreflexiva de Ednodio Quintero índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


RUIZ, Simón  e  BEKE, Rebecca. Summary Writing in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Núcleo [online]. 2012, vol.24, n.29, pp.105-130. ISSN 0798-9784.

Summary writing in English as a foreign language has been investigated internationally more than locally. From a discursive-functional perspective and on the basis of the problem-solution textual pattern (Hoey, 2001), we analyzed a corpus of one hundred summaries of a scientific news article, written in English by Spanish speaking high school students. We aimed at finding out how the learners include the discursive functions of the source text in their writings and how these functions are linguistically signaled. The results show that the majority of students included in their summaries the hierarchically most important functions of the original text. To be about was the most common structure used to introduce the topic of the original text while the verb to evaluate was most widely used to report the purpose of the source text. These findings indicate that the majority of the participants are discursively and linguistically competent not only to identify the different discourse functions of the original text, but also to reconstruct, in their own words, a new and coherent text.

Palavras-chave : summary writing; English as a foreign language; discourse functions; problem-solution.

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