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vol.35 número73Potencial didáctico de los juegos ecológicos para la Educación AmbientalEfectividad de las actividades experimentales demostrativas como estrategia de enseñanza para la comprensión conceptual de la tercera ley de Newton en los estudiantes de fundamentos de Física del IPC índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


LEON, Caritza; FERRER, Ana  e  DOMINGUEZ, José. A convenient and practical method to prepare 3-methyl-2- oxo-1,4-benzoxazine for students of Organic Chemistry. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2011, vol.35, n.73, pp.47-60. ISSN 1010-2914.

We described the synthesis of 3-methyl-2-oxo-1,4-benzoxazine (5), key product to obtain biological compounds, structural and electronically related to the quinoxalines (1), they have shown interesting and diverse activities like antibacterial, anticancerigenal, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and antimalarial. The used design was based on a linear synthesis that involved the reaction of the o-aminophenol with sodium pyruvate in glacial acetic acid, followed by cyclization with diciclohexylcarbodiimide in N,N’ dimethylformamide under basic conditions. The overall yield was 80-90%, which represents a highly efficient method to other synthetic methods traditionally used. The compounds were characterized through the spectroscopy technique 1H NMR.

Palavras-chave : 1,4-Benzoxazine; antimalarials; quinolaxines; lineal synthesis.

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