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vol.40 número89Adecuación y pertinencia de los contenidos en alimentación y nutrición para el nivel de educación primaria: Sistema educativo venezolanoAprendizagem Significativa: ¿conceito subjacente da Teoria Cognitiva de Aprendizagem Multimídia índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


NUNEZ RAVELO, Franklin; UGAS PEREZ, María; HERNANDEZ LABRADOR, Michel  e  DIEPPA GONZALEZ, Gerardo. Sieve analysis and content of CaCO  of deposit type beach, located in the inlet Puerto Cruz, Vargas state, Venezuela . Revista de Investigación [online]. 2016, vol.40, n.89, pp.46-67. ISSN 1010-2914.

The purpose was identify the physicochemical characteristics of the material constituting the beach depot, to do field research is assumed, developed in three stages: (a) Field, allowing the collection of surface sediments into the berms by a longitudinal transect and this at 20 m, manner transverse to the reciprocating parts of the surf zone and to a total of 45 samples; (b)Laboratory physical and chemical analysis (particle  size and morphology of the grains) and (CaCO  content), and (c) office or statistical processing. It is recognized that the deposit consists of particles of the size of the medium sands to coarse, moderately sorted and leptokurtic, morphologically angular, with a percentage of CaCO  that varies with the position. It is concluded that the material has a source      of origin in metamorphic rocks that limits south, being transported to its current location by Limón River.

Palavras-chave : Beach; Vargas state; Puerto Cruz; sedimentology.

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